Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Bike to Work

THE COMMUTE: A lot of us commute to work five days a week. What is the healthiest way to do that? The City of Tulsa has an awesome tool to help us make that decision. It is called green traveler and is located at http://www.green-traveler.org/ . I have chosen biking because I bought a house close to work. But depending on where you live, green-traveler helps you choose between walking, biking, carpooling, and the bus.

Sunday, June 28, 2009


Here is a quote from Oz Guiness as he talks about the novel “The Castle” by Franz Kafka.

“The world of The Castle is the domain of bureaucratic power and authority. Telephone exchanges produce more muddles than connections. Bureaucracy drowns human beings in a deluge of files and forms. A stifling hierarchy makes it impossible to get through to a person above anyone. Countless petty officials work endless overtime and go nowhere. Innumerable interviews take place, but none of them come to any purpose. Human beings are reduced to files. Kafka once said of such a world, “The conveyor belt of life carries you on, no one knows where. One is more of an object, a thing, than a living creature.”

I’ve been feeling this way at my City job recently I suppose and just at life in general. I have been hanging out more at the Blue Jackalope grocery store. It is a neighborhood grocer in Crosby Heights where people actually seem real.